Go to the TRANSITIONS tab.
Add a transition to the slide.
There are lots of types to choose from...
Go to each slide and add a different type of transition to each slide.
Go to Slide Sorter View...
Then zoom out to about 60% ...
...until you can see all your slides in your window like this.
- Select all the slides (CTRL+A)
- Go to the Timing part of the Transition tab. Check the box to Advance Slide After
You will now see "00:00" beside each slide thumbnail.
Now you will see "00:15" below each slide thumbnail. Click on the Normal button at the bottom of your window to go back to normal view.
Click in the timing box once to select the amount, then type "5" and [Enter].
The first slide should now only be for 5 seconds.
Test out your entire slide show. Click on F5 or use the button From Beginning on the SLIDE SHOW tab.
- Does it run on it's own, you don't have to do any clicking?
- Do the slides change automatically?
- Do text & pictures come up one at a time?
Hit the Esc key to get out of it and back to normal view.